2017 is the first year in which ISPE Indonesia Affiliate holds Student Poster Competition. And who knows that this currently held event is a beginning step of the success of Indonesia at international level. Student Poster Competition Indonesia took place on May 9-10, 2017 in Jakarta which is linked with the Annual Conference titled Continual Improvement. In this competition, the participants are obliged to make a scientific poster with topics of Research and Development, Facilities, or Business Operations of Interest to Pharmaceutical Industry.
To deal with the less optimal access of e-journal subscribed by the Library of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM collaborates with the Library of Universitas Gadjah Mada held socialisation of E-content and Management of Reference Tools. Invited as the speakers were Ms Safiratu Khoiri, PhD and Mr Bagus Wijaya, SIP. The goal is to maximise the student access to UGM Library generally and to its collections mainly in electronic form (database, e-journal, and e-book).
In addition to the socialisation, the students were given information on managing references which ease them in writing papers, theses, and dissertations. The socialisation was expected to help students accessing electronic literature in UGM Library to be cited in the research papers.
Dra. Wahyu Maryani, Apt. (industrial practitioner of PT Triyasa Nagamas Farma as well as alumni of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM) gave a guest lecture to students of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM on Sunday, August 27, 2017 at Room 1. The guest lecture was one of the Systematic Guest Lectures held regularly by inviting speakers from Faculty of Pharmacy UGM alumni. “Drugs circulating in Indonesia must have NIE (distribution license number), and therefore, it is very important for pharmacists to know the drug registration procedures to get NIE from BPOM (National Agency of Drug and Food Control),” she said. Through the regulation of BPOM number HK. dated 2011; its first amendment number 3 dated 2013; and its second amendment number 17 dated 2016, BPOM issued the Drug Registration Procedure and Criteria. Sharing practical experiences in registering drugs and interpreting regulations of BPOM are thought to be crucial as a debriefing for students in Pharmacist Education Programme and Master Programme to prepare the graduates to be ready to work, especially those dealing with drug regulatory.
Faculty of Pharmacy UGM held a systematic guest lecture which involved alumni and pharmacy practitioners to debrief and enrich students’ knowledge. This activity was arranged regularly and designed for students at Pharmacist Education Programme. On the first day, the guest lecture committee invited Dra. Ellen Wijaya, MS, MM, Apt (industry practitioner, alumni of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, the committee of Indonesian Pharmacist Association, the committee of Pharmacy KAGAMA 2016-2021) and Dra Wahyu Maryani, Apt (industry practitioner, alumni of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM). In the first occasion, Dra Ellen Wijaya gave undergraduate and post-graduate students with the following topics: 1) regulatory affairs and its job descriptions, 2) soft skills required to work in regulatory affairs, 3) Pharmacovigilance and its correlation to product information as well as how to deliver/ implement the information of pharmacovigilance data to the patients.
On August 28, 2017, delegations of PT Air Mancur paid a visit to Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. PT Air Mancur is a jamu or traditional medicine factory established since 1963 and is located in Palur, Dagen, Karanganyar, Central Java. Among the delegations Drs Bambang Priyambodo, Apt; Mr Hafid Kustanto, Ms Yunita RK, and Ms Endah TS were welcomed by Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. During the visit, both parties committed to improve the development of Indonesian traditional medicine as Indonesian biodiversity is the second biggest in the world after Brazil, including the medicinal plants biodiversity. “We should be the host in our own country concerning the traditional medicine.”
The late Prof.Dr. Umar Anggara Jenie, M.Sc., Apt., was one of UGM researchers that had contributed much to science in Indonesia, particularly in bioethics. He had also encouraged the development of strategic research.
Born in Solo, Central Java, on 22 August 1950 and became professor in Organic Medicinal Chemistry at UGM, Umar was a visionary researcher, upholding ethics but also a humanist. Once UGM Vice-Rector for Research, he also became Head of Indonesian Scientific Institute (LIPI), Vice President of the Asian Bioethics Association (ABA), member of Indonesian Scientific Academy (AIPI), and Chairman of National Bioethics Commission(KBN). Umar died on 26 January 2017 in his house in Condong Catur area, Yogyakarta.
Alumni and Career Development Center (ACDC) of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM held a Job Fair on Saturday (19/8) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM. Ast least 20 pharmaceutical companies and institutions participated in the Job Fair, including PT. Phapros Tbk., PT. Dexa Medica Group, PT. Kalbe Farma, and Dr. Oen Surakarta Hospital.
Vice-Dean for Research, Community Service and Alumni of Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. R.R. Endang Lukitaningsih, M.Si., Apt. explained the Job Fair aimed to give introduction to pharmaceutical job market in the industry, hospital, or pharmacist’. The Job Fair is expected to bring job seekers and job providers closer,” said Endang.
The discovery of active compound as a guiding compound in discovering drug is essential. One of them is by discovering new compounds from natural materials. UGM Lecturer from Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Sri Mulyani, SU., Apt., succeeded to discover three new compounds from Kirinyuh (Eupatorium inulifolium). The plant leaf which is obtained from Kaliurang area in Yogyakarta, according to Sri Mulyani, after being researched, it contains two triperten pentacyclic compounds and one triperten tetracyclic compound.
As to preserve the culture of jamu as the unprecedented herbal medicine from Indonesia, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM holds the 2017 Summer Course entitled “Translating Jamu, Indonesian Herbal Medicine: From Ancient Knowledge to Evidence Based Medicine” on August 7 to 22, 2017. This program benefitted the networking partnership of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM with some overseas partner universities such as Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Leiden University the Netherlands. It was also supported by the Federation of Asian Pharmaceuticals Association (FAPA) in which one of its members, Prof. Dr. Suwidjiyo Pramono, appointed as a speaker in the program. Furthermore, this program invites five guest speakers who are academics, researchers, and experts in the field of herbal and traditional medicine in Asia. They are Dr Pakakrong Kwankhao from Abhabhubejhr Hospital, Thailand; Dr Huynh Le Truong from Faculty of Traditional Medicine, UMP Vietnam; Prof. Gerard Christopher Bodeker from Oxford University and currently working for Gifts of Health Ltd.; Prof. Ibrahim Jantan from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and Prof. Unnikrishnan Payyappallimana from United Nation University.
After eight years, Indonesia became the host of Asian Conference on Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). The 17th ACCP event also commemorated 20 years of ACCP pioneering practical conference to accelerate transfer of knowledge and enhanced clinical pharmacy practice, education and research in Asia. This year, the conference’s theme was ‘Unity in Diversity and the Standardization of Clinical Pharmacy Services’, provided new solution and answer challenges that had been faced nowadays started with 6 pre-conference workshops on July 27th 2017.