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Department of Pharmaceutics

Head of the Department : Prof. Dr. Akhmad Kharis Nugroho, M.Si., Apt.

Administrative Staff : Anita Ellyana Hardiyanti

The Department of Pharmaceutics is an executive academic element of the Faculty of Pharmacy which conducts education and teaching, research, and community service as well as develops the sciences that deal with pharmaceutics and social pharmacy. This department consists of several laboratories:

1. Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Management and Social Pharmacy
Head of the Laboratory : Dr. Susi Ari Kristina, M.Kes., Apt. read more

Department of Pharmaceutical Biology

Head of the Department : Prof. Dr. Erna Prawita Setyowati, M.Si., Apt.

Administrative Staff : Sri Wisni, S.IP

The Department of Pharmaceutical Biology is an executive academic element of the faculty of pharmacy which performs education and teaching, research, and community service in a branch of science that deals with biodiversity, Ethnomedicine, Phytochemistry, Pharmacognosy, Phytotherapy  (screening, developing, testing, standardization, producing and harnessing medicine derived from natural resources), Phytotherapy  (the use of medicinal plants and the derived products to cure and prevent diseases), analyzing natural resources, pharmaceutical biotechnology (producing bioactive substance through plant tissue culture and microorganism) and modifying metabolite tracks, microbiology, and cell biology. This department manages two laboratories which are Laboratory of Pharmacognosy-Phytochemistry and Laboratory of Microbiology and Cell Biology. read more

Akreditasi Program Studi

Program Studi Sarjana Farmasi Terakreditasi A


  • Program Studi Profesi Apoteker Terakreditasi A

    Program Studi Magister Ilmu Farmasi Terakreditasi A

  • Program Studi Magister Farmasi Klinik Terakreditasi A

    SK Akreditasi Program Studi Magister Farmasi Klinik Klik Disini

  • Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Farmasi Terakreditasi A

  • Summer Course

    Summer Course 2016

    Summer Course 2016 was held on September 13-26, 2016.
    Click here for the video.

    Doctoral Program

    The Graduate Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada offers a Doctoral Degree Program (Dr.) with a concentration in Pharmaceutical Science-Technology, but with regard to the ongoing needs in the society, a concentration in Social Pharmacy begins to be offered by the Doctoral Program, Faculty of Pharmacy.

    For detail information, please visit:

    Graduate Program

    The Graduate Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada offers a master’s degree program (M.Sc.) with concentrations in:

    1. 1. Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
    2. 2. Pharmaceutical Management
    3. 3. Clinical Pharmacy

    For detail information:

    Pharmacist Education Program

    Professional Education is strongly influenced by previous bachelor’s degree level. Year 1946-1962: implementing the free system. Students were free to determine the date of their exam. Year 1962-1974: implementing a guided study system divided into semesters. The Faculty managed classes in accordance with the curriculum package that had been made. In 1978, Faculty of Pharmacy applied a curriculum where the study system was divided into 3 phases: phase of Sarjana Muda (junior scholar; roughly corresponding to a bachelor’s degree) with the completion of 121 credits, phase of Sarjana (Bachelor’s degree) with the completion of 47 credits, and phase of Pharmacist Education with the completion of 15 credits. In 1980, with regard to the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, the study system was changed into: Sarjana Muda (115 credits), Sarjana (33 credits), and Pharmacist Education (12 credits). Based on the Joint-Decree between the Director General of Higher Education and the Director General of National Agency of Drug and Food Control along with a Workshop on the Curriculum Consolidation in Universities throughout Indonesia, Faculty of Pharmacy changed its curriculum into Bachelor’s degree (strata-1) and Profession Education consisting of Sarjana Muda (116 credits), Sarjana (33 credits), and Pharmacist Education (21 credits). At the end of 1986, the Sarjana Muda’s degree was abolished so starting in 1987 the Faculty applied the “1986 Curriculum” consisting of Sarjana (bachelor’s degree) with the completion of 149 credits and Pharmacist Education with the completion of 21 credits. In 1991, there was a curriculum refinement by which the Sarjana (Bachelor’s Degree) was earned with the completion of 153 credits and Pharmacist’s Degree was earned with the completion of 23 credits. In 1995, the curriculum of Sarjana/Bachelor’s Degree Program was changed to 144 credits and 30 credits for Pharmacist Education Program. read more

    Undergraduate Study Program

    Programs and concentrations
    The realization of Pharmaceutical Science Study Program for undergraduate (+ Pharmacist Professional Program), Master, and Doctoral levels is based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 153/DIKTI/Kep/2007 dated September 21, 2007. For the undergraduate study program, Faculty of Pharmacy offers a bachelor’s degree program, that is Pharmaceutical Sciences Study Program with concentrations in:
    (1) Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
    (2) Industrial Pharmacy
    (3) Social and Clinical Pharmacy
    (4) Herbal Pharmacy read more