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Faculty of Pharmacy UGM Released 71 Birds on Its Anniversary

Faculty of Pharmacy UGM holds a Mass Walk which is one of event  series in the 71st anniversary celebration. On Sunday (17/9) at 06.00 a.m. Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM Prof Agung Endro Nugroho, MSi, PhD, Apt opens the event by releasing 71 birds. Releasing birds is chosen as a symbol of setting high dreams and expectations. Meanwhile, the number of 71 birds marks the age of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM which just turned 71 this year. “Hopefully, this moment can improve the opportunity to strengthen the bond among academic societies in accomplishing works and achievements for the nation,” the Dean said. read more

Yayuk Sukardan Shares Entrepreneurship Experience to Students

In Pharmapiration event held by Students Executive Board Faculty of Pharmacy UGM on Friday September 15, 2017, Dra. Rahayu Dwi Astuti , Apt well-known as Yayuk Sukardan greets all participants of the event titled “Social Entrepreneur.” This Inacraft 2017 award winner is purposely invited to the annual event held by students of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to share knowledge and inspiration. Although her name has been known internationally, but not many knew that Yayuk Sukardan, who are also the owner of “Joglo AyuTenan”, is one of the alumni of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM class of 1984. read more

Pharmadays 2017 Discusses Drugs Advertising Violation in Indonesia

Gadjah Mada Drugs Information Center (Indonesian acronym: PIOGAMA), Faculty of Pharmacy UGM held a National Seminar, namely Pharmadays 2017, on Saturday (16/9) at Auditorium of Magister of Management UGM entitled The Role of Pharmacist in Addressing the Rise of Drug Advertisement and Online Drugs Purchases. The seminar presented several keynote speakers who are experts in pharmacy sector, including Dra. I Gusti Ayu Adhi Aryapatni, Apt. (Head of Drugs and Food Control Agency Yogyakarta) and Dr. Nanang Munif Yasin, M.Pharm., Apt. (Vice Director of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Assessment Agency Yogyakarta). read more

UGM’s Faculty of Pharmacy Students Hold Blood Donation Activity

Friday, September 15, 2017 Faculty of Pharmacy UGM holds Blood Donation activity which one of the event series in the 71st Anniversary Celebration of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. This event is a concern of academic societies of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to people in need. The Blood Donation activity is open for public including UGM students and societies around who are willing to donate their blood.

In addition to collaborating with PMI (Red Cross Indonesia), the Committee of Dies Natalis Faculty of Pharmacy UGM also collaborates with KMMF (Muslim student association of Faculty of Pharmacy) and JMKI (health science student association of Indonesia) in this Blood Donation activity. Taking place in Ruang Sidang Unit 1, the Blood Donation activity is welcomed with full enthusiasm from students of Faculty of Pharmacy and other faculties as well as the lecturer and staff of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM.  Besides getting a gift from PMI, the donators also get a key chain, sticker, and bottled water as a form of appreciation from the Committee. read more

UGM Pharmacy Strengthens Collaboration with PT Biofarma

Following up the Western Blot workshop in collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy UGM with PT Bioafarma in August 2017, both parties agreed to maintain the relationship through continuous collaboration. Regarding this matter, on last Friday (15/9), Quality Control Department of PT Biofarma paid a visit to Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to discuss further their previous collaboration. Their visit was warmly welcomed by Faculty of Pharmacy UGM.

PT Biofarma has long been a partner of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, and it is not their first visit to Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. Dr Adam Hermawan, Apt., Dr Riris Istighfari Jenie, Dr Muthi’ Ikawati, and Vice Dean for Human Resource, Asset Management, and Finance Dr Satibi, M.Si., Apt. received  and welcomed the representatives from Biofarma.  The discussion about initiation of collaboration focused on “Genetic Monitoring.” read more

Pharmacy Lecturer Represents UGM in ASLP 2017 in Malaysia

Dr. Ritmaleni, a lecturer at Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM became UGM representative in ASEAN Science Leadership Program (ASLP) 2017. In the event which was held at Higher Educational Leadership Academy, Bandar Enstek Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia from September 7 until 11, 2017, Ritmaleni obtained an opportunity to present her scientific writing regarding science communication for school children.

“In science communication for school children, I discuss how to implement a big idea which starts from small steps,” said Ritmaleni at Faculty of Pharmacy UGM on Friday (15/9). read more

Pharmacy UGM Initiates Collaborations with China Medical University (CMU) Taiwan

Thursday, September 14, 2017, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM received the visit of Dean of College of Medicine China Medical University (CMU) Liang-Yo Yang, DVM, PhD. The meeting was attended by Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si., Apt. and some lecturers such as Prof. Dr. Zullies Ikawati, M.Sc., Apt.; Dr.rer.nat. Adam Hermawan, M.Sc., Apt.; Dr.rer.nat. Ronny Martien, M.Si.; and Miftahus Sa’adah, M.Sc., Apt. The visit of Dean of CMU to Faculty of Pharmacy UGM was to strengthen the collaboration with UGM which she admitted to be one of the greatest universities in Indonesia. CMU of which campus based in Taiwan also has had collaborations with other universities i.e. University of San Diego and Mahidol University; it just signed an agreement with University of Cincinnati USA as well. read more

Yusuf Patria Comes as 2nd Winner for Studying Child Stunting from Islamic Perspectives

Yusuf Patria, a student of Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada, wins the 2nd place in infographic design competition which is held by NURANI (acronym of Nuansa Persaudaraan Islam), an Islamic study and preaching organisation of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI). Yusuf from Class of 2015 comes out as the second winner after bringing up an issue of child stunting which he studied from Islamic perspectives as his work. The general topic he proposed is “Addressing Issues of Stunting from Health and Islamic Perspectives.” read more

Pharmacy UGM Students Earn Golds in PIMNAS 2017

Faculty of Pharmacy UGM student contingents which made up the 31 teams of UGM earn achievements in the 30th national student science competition (PIMNAS 2017) held by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makasar, Sulawesi Selatan. Faculty of Pharmacy UGM directed two teams to attend the competition of student creativity programme for exacta science (PKM-PE). The team consisting of Aida Fathia, Ziana Walidah, Swandika Ayumarta, Lisyaratih Anggraini, and Rahajeng Fitria Wahyuniputri presented their research entitled “A New Insight for A Chemoprevention Agent : Developing Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) as  Anticancer for Targeted Metabolism of Glutathione S-transferase” under supervision of Muthi’ Ikawati, M.Sc., Apt. read more

Faculty of Pharmacy holds Western Blot Workshop

It’s not the first time for Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to initiate collaboration with external parties. This time, with Department of Quality Control PT Biofarma, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM held “Identifying Protein by Western Blot Technique Workshop” for three days, from 22nd to 25thof August 2017.This activity was attended by Biofarma employees and aimed to give an education about benefitting Western Blot technique to identify protein. Taking place at APS Laboratory, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, and Food Analysis Laboratory in building unit V Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, the participants were invited to practice using Western Blot instruments after given prior explanation about the usage. read more