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Wi-Fi internet access

It is a wireless internet service. The wireless technology (Wi-Fi 802.11b) will facilitate the academic communities to surf in cyberspace. There are a lot of Hotspots available in the Faculty of Pharmacy.


The library is provided for all academic communities in the Faculty of Pharmacy and open for public with the consent of the library’s coordinator. Requirements to become a member of the library are as follows:

For Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM

  • • Registered as a student of Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • • Fill out the registration form.
  • • Submit 2 photos of 2×3 cm in size.
  • • Pay the registration fee.

For Public

  • • Submit a letter of introduction from the institution or agency.
  • • Fill out the registration form.
  • • Submit 1 photo of 2×3 cm in size.
  • • Pay the registration fee.
  • • Not allowed to borrow books to take home (limited to reading only).

Types of Service

  • • Reference service
  • • Circulation service
  • • Photocopy service
  • • Internet access
  • • Referral service
  • • Information searching service
  • • Literature searching service
  • • Reference data service

Opening Hours

  • • Monday – Thursday : 08:00 – 16:00
  • • Friday & Saturday : 09:00 – 15:00

The facilities available at the library of Faculty of Pharmacy are:

  • • Discussion room
  • • Air-conditioned rooms
  • • Computers for internet access with fiber-optic connection
  • • Computers for book search
  • • Photocopy service
  • • Toilets

The academic communities of Faculty of Pharmacy can use the online 24-hour Library Information System through read more


Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM provides laboratories located in each Department:

Department of Pharmaceutical Biology

  1. 1. Laboratory of Pharmacognosy
  2. 2. Research Laboratory
  3. 3. Laboratory of Cell Biology
  4. 4. Laboratory of Production of Simplicia
  5. 5. Laboratory of Plant Tissue Culture
  6. 6. Laboratory of Microbiology
  7. 7. Laboratory of Phytochemistry
  8. 8. Laboratory of Phytopharmaceutical Technology

Department of Pharmaceutics

  1. 1. Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Management and Social Pharmacy I
  2. 2. Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Management and Social Pharmacy II
  3. 3. Laboratory of Biopharmaceutics
  4. 4. Laboratory of Physical Pharmacy
  5. 5. Laboratory of Solid Dosage Formulation Technology
  6. 6. Laboratory of Liquid and Semi-Solid Dosage Formulation Technology
  7. 7. Laboratory of Sterile Dosage Formulation Technology

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  1. 1. Laboratory of Biochemistry
  2. 2. Laboratory of Basic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  3. 3. Laboratory of Organic Synthesis
  4. 4. Laboratory of Food Analysis
  5. 5. Laboratory of Spectroscopy
  6. 6. Laboratory of Chromatography
  7. 7. Laboratory of Immunology

Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy

  1. 1. Laboratory of Basic Pharmacology
  2. 2. Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology
  3. 3. Laboratory of Pharmacokinetics
  4. 4. Bioanalysis Laboratory
  5. 5. Laboratory of Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy

Selain laboratorium-laboratorium tersebut yang utamanya berfungsi untuk pengajaran tersebut, Fakultas Farmasi UGM juga memiliki laboratorium terpadu, laboratorium grup penelitian, dan laboratorium komputer sebagai sarana penunjang.

Laboratorium Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences (APS)
Hasil penelitian yang berkualitas tidak hanya tergantung pada sumber daya peneliti, namun juga tergantung pada sarana dan prasarana laboratorium yang handal. Untuk mewujudkan sasaran rencana strategis Fakultas Farmasi UGM tersebut, salah satu program yang ditetapkan adalah peningkatan kualitas dan fasilitas laboratorium untuk mendukung kegiatan penelitian yang bersifat interdisipliner di bidang Ilmu Farmasi. Implementasi program tersebut adalah pembentukan suatu Laboratorium Terpadu. Pada tahun 2012, Fakultas Farmasi UGM telah mendirikan sebuah laboratorium terpadu melalui SK Dekan dan pada akhir tahun 2015 laboratorium ini diubah namanya menjadi Laboratorium Advanced Pharmaceutical Sciences Fakultas Farmasi UGM dengan SK Rektor UGM. read more


To support the learning activities, Faculty of Pharmacy provides a number of representative classrooms with comfortable seats. Each classroom is equipped with air conditioning (AC), Over Head Projector (OHP), LCD Viewer, Wide Board, Rolling Wide Screen, Desktop Computer, Laptop and LCD Monitor which is connected to the internet.

Accredited Laboratory

Laboratory is one of the strategic supporting elements for academic activities in a university. It is an essential means for students and teaching staffs in the learning activities, research, and community services. In order that the support of laboratory to the activities of Tridarma implementation runs effectively, then the university laboratories should be managed professionally by adopting a quality system of modern laboratory management. In this way, the entire laboratory resources (such as laboratory assistants/technicians, equipments, materials, methods) can be managed optimally so as to produce valid and reliable data. To achieve this ideal, a laboratory needs to employ the laboratory quality management system standard that has been widely used around the world, namely ISO/IEC 17025-2008 as the initial stage of its management. read more

Unit of Community Services

In order to improve the activities and services of its community service, Faculty of Pharmacy establishes a Unit of Community Services with the following board of management:

Steering :
Deputy Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Alumni (Ex Officio)

Chairman :
Angi Nadya Bestari, M.Sc., Apt.

Member :

  • Niken Nur Widyakusuma, M.Sc., Apt.
  • Irfan Mursi Setiawan, M.Sc., Apt.
  • Hardika Aditama, M.Sc., Apt.
  • Navista Sri Octa Ujiantari, M.Sc., Apt.
  • Andayana Puspitasarai G., M.Si., Apt.
  • Dr. Purwantiningsih, M.Si., Apt.
  • read more

    Counseling Service

    Terms of Application to Get the Counseling Service from the Faculty of Pharmacy

    Faculty of Pharmacy is committed to providing benefits to the community as a part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. We therefore inform the public or students conducting community service (KKN) who want to get the counseling service from the Faculty of Pharmacy to apply for it with the following provisions:

    1. Submit an application letter addressed to the Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM (Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy) at least 3 weeks prior to the date of the service in order that the Faculty of Pharmacy prepare its faculty staffs in accordance with the required fields of expertise and take care of administrative processes such as the SPPD (Official Travel Instruction Letter) and Certificates.
    2. If the public or students conducting community service has contacted an academic staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and the concerned has confirmed his agreement, then the application letter has to be submit to the Faculty of Pharmacy at least 1 week prior to the date of the service so that the faculty can take care of the administrative process.
    3. In case of counseling activities conducted in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, the travel and accommodation costs for the speakers can be proposed to the Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM.

    For further information, please contact the Community Services and Alumni Unit, Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM (Phone: 0274 543120, Fax: 0274 543120). read more

    Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy

    Head of the Department : Dr. Purwantiningsih, M.Si., Apt

    Administrative Staff : Yunita Detrina, S.IP

    The Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy is an academic executive element of the Faculty of Pharmacy that implements the education, teaching, research, and community service and develops knowledge relating to the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, pharmacotherapy, and clinical pharmacy. This department consists of the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology and the Laboratory of Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacy.

    1. Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    Head of the Laboratory: drh. Retno Murwanti, M.P., Ph.D

    The Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory manages education, teaching, research, and community service as well as develops the sciences concerning pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, bioavailability, drug interactions, general and specific toxicology studies, safety evaluation of  compounds  in silico, in vitro, in vivo, and others. For more information about the Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory, please visit read more

    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

    Head of the Department : Prof. Dr. Ratna Asmah Susidarti, M.S., Apt.

    Administrative Staff : Herlina Ambarwati

    The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry is an executive academic element of the Faculty of Pharmacy which conducts education and teaching, research, and community service as well as develops the sciences that deal with pharmaceutical chemistry. This department consists of three main scientific fields laboratories.

    1. Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry

    Head of the Laboratory : Prof. Dr. Ritmaleni, S.Si. read more