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International Cooperation Affairs


To support international services for lecturers, students, and other members of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the international affairs unit was accordingly formed in 2015. The organizational structure of the international affairs unit is under the responsibility of Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni. The composition of the organizational structure are as follows:

Person In Charge :
Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni (Ex Officio)

Dr.rer.nat. apt. Nanang Fakhrudin, M.Si.

apt. Setyowati Triastuti Utami, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Devi Afifa Rahma, S.Tr.Li

Intan Khoirun Nisa, S.S., M.A.


Currently, international collaborations have established between the Faculty of Pharmacy and overseas partner universities such as :


  • Faculty of Pharmacy Chiang Mai University
  • Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University
  • Faculty of Pharmacy Thammasat University
  • School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chulalongkorn University
  • College of Pharmacy, Rangsit University


  • Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Cyberjaya
  • Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Malaya
  • Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University


  • Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine


  • Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama
  • Osaka Metropolitan University
  • Chiba Cancer Center Research Institution


  • Merseburg University of Applied Sciences


  • University of Groningen
  • Faculty of Science, Universiteit Leiden

Republic of China

  • College of Pharmacy, China Medical University
  • College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University

Unit of International Affairs will be further developed in the future, with the following objectives:

  1. Improving the faculty’s reputation on the international level
  2. Improving the quality of the elements of Tridharma (Three Pillars of National Higher Education), particularly in international-level education and research.
  3. Improving the competences of the faculty’s academic community.
  4. Improving the quality of faculty graduates to be able to compete with international graduates.

The establishment of the international affairs unit at the Faculty of Pharmacy is hoped to further improve and facilitate all activities related to overseas partners.

The services provided by the international unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy in accordance with its basic tasks and functions are as follows:

  1. Supporting international services to students, lecturers, and faculty members;
  2. Maintaining and developing international cooperation with overseas partner universities and other international institutions;
  3. Initiating and implementing the MoU/MoA with overseas partner universities and other international institutions;
  4. Developing a database in cooperation with foreign institutions as well as the use of the data for the sake of cooperation development;
  5. Coordinating benchmarking activities against education in the Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM with universities abroad for educators;
  6. Coordinating international scientific meetings (conferences/seminars) at university level held in the Faculty of Pharmacy;
  7. Coordinating the activities of academic exchange with overseas partner universities and other international institutions.

List of newsletters issued by the Unit of International Affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM:

  1. UIA Newsletter Issue 2020
  2. UIA Newsletter Issue 2019
  3. UIA Newsletter Issue 2018
  4. UIA Newsletter Issue 2017

More for International Affairs


Unit of International Affairs – Faculty of Pharmacy, UGM
APSLC Building 4th floor
Jl. Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Website :

Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada Officially Launched Online Summer Course “Embracing Traditional Medicine: Adopt and Adapt Toward Society 5.0”

Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada is organizing an online summer course starting from 5th of July to 16th of July. This event is organized in collaboration with Universitas Udayana (Bali, Indonesia), Taipei Medical University (Taiwan), and Chiang Mai University (Thailand). This morning, this first online summer course was launched by the Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. apt. Agung Endro Nugroho, PhD., and the Chiefof the Bachelor Degree Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, apt. Dewa Ayu Swastini, S.F, M.Farm. read more

UGM’s Faculty of Pharmacy Hosted a Webinar on Adaptive Pharmacy Education

Pharmacy UGM – Along with technology and the industrial revolution 4.0, pharmacy higher education must continuously adapt to these demands. Therefore, the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM organized a webinar on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, presenting Adaptive Pharmacy Education as its theme. The webinar received more than 190 registrants and started at 12.30 Jakarta time with the opening remark from Dean Professor Agung Endro Nugroho. In his remark, he extended his greetings and gratitude to the invited speakers and participants, who are mostly pharmacy lecturers from universities in Indonesia. read more

UGM’s Faculty of Pharmacy to Establish Collaborations with the University of Malaya

The Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) met the representatives of the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Malaya (UM) virtually via the Zoom platform on April 23, 2021. The meeting, which began at 01.30 pm, was attended by the representatives of both institutions and specifically arranged to discuss the initial plans of collaboration. The discussion was first led by Professor Triana Hertiani, the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, and was joined later by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM Professor Agung Endro Nugroho. read more

Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman for Postgraduate Students

Pharmacy UGM – The Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in collaboration with the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) held a Guest Lecture with the theme ‘How to Choose Appropriate Antibiotics for Infectious Diseases’ hosted by the Master in Clinical Pharmacy Program at UGM. The guest lecture took place on Thursday, January 28, 2021, from 09.00 to 11.00 am through the Zoom meeting platform with Prof. Dr. Syed Azhar Syed Sulaiman invited as the guest lecturer and 70 students of master and doctoral programs at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM attending as participants. read more

Faculty of Pharmacy UGM Reinforces Collaboration with Chulalongkorn University

A group of delegates from the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) headed by the Dean Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho, Ph.D., Apt. was cordially welcomed by Asst. Prof. Rungpetch Sakulbumrungsil, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chulalongkorn University on January 28, 2020. The Deans from both universities then introduced their delegation members and began the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the development and promotion of education and research. A discussion following the signing resulted in several planned activities as the first step of implementing the MoU. read more

Faculty of Pharmacy UGM Deepens Collaboration with Mahidol University

A delegation from the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), led by the Dean Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho, Ph.D., Apt., was in Thailand from January 25 to 29, 2020. The UGM delegation which also consisted of Dr. Satibi, M.Si., Apt., Dr. Susi Ari Kristina, MPH., Apt., and Dr. Dwi Endarti, M.Sc., Apt. paid a reciprocal visit to Mahidol University in Thailand on January 28, 2020.

With the current established mutual relationships between the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM and the Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University (MUPY), both universities hope to continue promoting their academic exchanges. The contact between UGM and MUPY goes back to 2013 when the first agreement was signed by former Deans of both universities. Among the delegates, Dr. Susi Ari Kristina and Dr. Dwi Endarti are the alumni of MUPY, and they are bridging the good communication between the lecturers at UGM and MUPY. During the visit, they had a fruitful discussion with the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Program and Social, Economic, and Administrative Pharmacy (SEAP) Division at MUPY. read more

Summer Course

Embracing Traditional Medicine: Adopt and Adapt Toward Society 5.0
Online Summer Course| July 5-16, 2021

Eligibility               : Students of pharmacy or other health-related backgrounds
Both Indonesian and international students are eligible to apply
Duration               : 10 days
Daily study           : 3 hours of synchronous learning, 6 hours of asynchronous learning
Benefits                : Transferable 2 course credits (SKS) for successful participation in the full program
(Eligibility of credit transfer may differ at different universities. Please check with your institution)
  read more


Head of Administration Office: Singgih Widodo, S.E.T., S.Sos., M.Si.


Head Section of Financial Administration and General Affairs : Nunu Lutfi, S.T., M.Ec.Dev.

Administration Staff

Reni Usmawati
Sudiyana, S.IP.
Astuti Widyaningsih, S.Sos.
Sapto Priyoatmojo
Muh. Sugiyanto
Dian Arisma Wicakso
Febriyanti Diah Pitaloka, S.Psi.
Yeny Prameswari, S.S.
Cahyo Setyo Nugroho, S.T.

Finance Staff

Erni Widayani, S.E.
Hartini, S.E.
Intan  Purbaningsih
Candradi Susma Wardani
Septi Triani, S.E. read more