In Pharmapiration event held by Students Executive Board Faculty of Pharmacy UGM on Friday September 15, 2017, Dra. Rahayu Dwi Astuti , Apt well-known as Yayuk Sukardan greets all participants of the event titled “Social Entrepreneur.” This Inacraft 2017 award winner is purposely invited to the annual event held by students of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to share knowledge and inspiration. Although her name has been known internationally, but not many knew that Yayuk Sukardan, who are also the owner of “Joglo AyuTenan”, is one of the alumni of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM class of 1984.
Before doing crafts, Yayuk Sukardan has worked for some big companies as a pharmacist. Fortunately, her knowledge of pharmacy which she studied during college contributes in her success. At her no longer young age, Yayuk Sukardan was granted a short course scholarship to Institut de Touraine, France. “At that time, not many people have apothecary background, and that is plus point for me who has been a lady,” she said jokingly. Even when she decided to be an entrepreneur, she still benefitted her knowledge of pharmacy. Yayuk told that pharmacy is not only about medicine but also about how to make perfume, natural fabric dye, and many more.
In her busy time as the Head of Jewel Crafter Association Yogyakarta, Yayuk Sukardan is still enthusiastic in giving inspiration and inviting the youth to be creative. Through this workshop, she suggested that making our dreams come true is not easy, but with a strong self-determination and courage to take every possible chance, success will no longer be wishes only. At the end of this inspiring event, Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si., PhD, Apt. as the Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy handed over merchandise to the speaker, and wished the students later could be an inspiring figure like Yayuk Sukardan. “Entrepreneurial values will be developed as a subject in our new curriculum 2017 and as a routine extracurricular agenda which involves practitioners and alumni,” the Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM explained.