Programs and concentrations
The realization of Pharmaceutical Science Study Program for undergraduate (+ Pharmacist Professional Program), Master, and Doctoral levels is based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 153/DIKTI/Kep/2007 dated September 21, 2007. For the undergraduate study program, Faculty of Pharmacy offers a bachelor’s degree program, that is Pharmaceutical Sciences Study Program with concentrations in:
(1) Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
(2) Industrial Pharmacy
(3) Social and Clinical Pharmacy
(4) Herbal Pharmacy
Graduate Competencies
The graduates of Pharmaceutical Sciences Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy are expected to possess the following competencies:
- Ability to identify, observe, formulate approaches, and solve problems in the pharmaceutical sciences.
- Sufficient knowledge to develop creativity and innovative abilities in the scientific researches.
- Sufficient basis to proceed to a higher level of education.
- Ability to organize, develop, supply, and control the quality of pharmaceutical dosage as well as understand its clinical benefits.
- Ability to analyze, examine, and define the purity levels of the drugs used in the compounding.
- Ability to identify and analyze foods and food additives, as well as toxic materials in foods.
- Expertise in the stability of pharmaceutical dosage and storage requirements. In addition, they can understand the way of determination, release of the active substance from the dosage, its absorption and disposition, as well as the interaction effects of these factors on the early work, as well as the intensity and duration of the drug efficacy.
- Ability to review scientific publications, making summaries, interpret data and draw conclusions and take the practical benefits of the invention in conjunction with the clinical use of pharmaceutical dosages.
- Ability to act responsibly in society.
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