Pharmacy UGM – As part of community service activities, lecturers and UGM Faculty of Pharmacy students participated in free health treatment service activities at Lumbini Park, Borobudur Temple, Central Java. The activity was held for 2 days on Saturday-Sunday, 18-19 May 2024 with the number of participants reaching 7 thousand people. This community service was hosted by the Indonesian Buddhist Representative (WALUBI) in the framework of the Tri Suci Waisak 2568 BE/2024 celebration in collaboration with various parties, one of which was the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy.
Apart from that, several parties who took part in the activity included the Faculty of Pharmacy, Sanata Dharma University, Central Java Provincial Government, Army Health Center (Puskesad), Navy Health Service (Diskesal), Air Force Health Service (Diskesau), Medical Central Police and Health (Pusdokkes Polri), Magelang District Health Service, RST Soedjono Magelang, Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, Kudus Paramita Balaraja Hospital Tangerang, and others.
The enthusiasm of the people who took part was very high, as seen from the long queues during the 2 days of the activity. Before undergoing treatment, each person will undergo screening first, such as checking blood pressure and weighing. Next, general practitioners and specialist doctors carry out a health examination with services provided including a general clinic, eye clinic, dental clinic and minor surgical operations. Then the team from the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy, consisting of lecturers and students, played a role in compounding and handing over the medicine to the patients, accompanied by providing information regarding the medicine being given.
This community service is in line with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which focus on making positive contributions as government partners and agents of development. All health issues in the SDGs are integrated into one goal (SDG number 3) which guarantees a healthy life and promotes prosperity for all levels of society at all ages. Through this activity, it is hoped that the community can gain access to comprehensive and quality health services, including promotive, preventive, early detection, treatment and rehabilitative efforts without being constrained by costs. (HumasFA)