Strengthening Research Synergy: Faculty of Pharmacy UGM and BRIN Welcomes Visiting Professor from the University of Otago

Pharmacy UGM – Monday (11/04), the Faculty of Pharmacy at UGM welcomed the arrival of Visiting Professor from the University of Otago, Dr. Erwin Lamping, who will carry out a research and teaching program at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM for a whole month. This program is a collaboration between the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. The welcome ceremony was held at the Leadership Meeting Room, 7th Floor APSLC Building, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, attended by the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration, and Alumni, several representatives from the Faculty of Pharmacy, and representatives from BRIN.

BRIN designed this program to encourage the mobility of researchers, both local and international, to strengthen the competencies of Indonesian researchers and build broader synergies. In its implementation, this program is carried out through collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, which is a strategic partner of BRIN. By holding this program at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, it is hoped that the synergy between local and international researchers can be further strengthened, producing impactful research, and supporting the development of science and technology in Indonesia, which also supports SDG 4 (Quality Education).

“We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Erwin Lamping, and we hope this activity will open up opportunities for better research collaboration and innovation development in the future,” said Dr. rer.nat. apt. Nanang Fakhrudin, M.Si., the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Collaboration, and Alumni, in his welcoming speech. This activity is also part of efforts to strengthen international collaboration between UGM and the University of Otago, which aligns with SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Dr. Erwin Lamping will carry out his research for a month, accompanied by a research team from the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, consisting of lecturers and students, to enrich the research experience and develop collaborative projects that are also expected to support SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). Additionally, this activity is in line with SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), as Dr. Erwin Lamping will participate in various academic activities, such as discussions and seminars aimed at sharing insights and the latest knowledge in the field of health sciences. (Rara/HumasFA)

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