On August 28, 2017, delegations of PT Air Mancur paid a visit to Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. PT Air Mancur is a jamu or traditional medicine factory established since 1963 and is located in Palur, Dagen, Karanganyar, Central Java. Among the delegations Drs Bambang Priyambodo, Apt; Mr Hafid Kustanto, Ms Yunita RK, and Ms Endah TS were welcomed by Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. During the visit, both parties committed to improve the development of Indonesian traditional medicine as Indonesian biodiversity is the second biggest in the world after Brazil, including the medicinal plants biodiversity. “We should be the host in our own country concerning the traditional medicine.”
In the occasion, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM said that schools of pharmacy and traditional medicine industries have to collaborate and synergise to improve the independence in drug material provision. This collaboration commitment and the synergy with government will improve the variety and the quality of Indonesian traditional medicine products to compete internationally as the term of “jamu” has been the icon of Indonesia. On the other hand, Drs. Bambang Priyambodo also told the development of traditional medicine products in Indonesia and abroad as well as the strategy to advance the traditional medicine in Indonesia. “With the medicinal plant biodiversity owned by Indonesia, we should be able to win the global market.”