Following up the Western Blot workshop in collaboration between Faculty of Pharmacy UGM with PT Bioafarma in August 2017, both parties agreed to maintain the relationship through continuous collaboration. Regarding this matter, on last Friday (15/9), Quality Control Department of PT Biofarma paid a visit to Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to discuss further their previous collaboration. Their visit was warmly welcomed by Faculty of Pharmacy UGM.
PT Biofarma has long been a partner of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, and it is not their first visit to Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. Dr Adam Hermawan, Apt., Dr Riris Istighfari Jenie, Dr Muthi’ Ikawati, and Vice Dean for Human Resource, Asset Management, and Finance Dr Satibi, M.Si., Apt. received and welcomed the representatives from Biofarma. The discussion about initiation of collaboration focused on “Genetic Monitoring.”