Pharmacy UGM – Tuesday (21/1) The Faculty of Pharmacy at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a workshop with the agenda of evaluating Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) and preparing for the upcoming Even Semester of the 2024/2025 Academic Year. The event took place at the 8th-floor Auditorium, APSLC, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. The workshop was attended by lecturers from all study programs within the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM.
The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Prof. Dr. apt. Satibi, M.Si., who emphasized the importance of evaluating KBM as part of efforts to improve the quality of learning. During the workshop, several important inputs were shared, including the results of evaluations from ASIIN and AMI, as well as complaints and suggestions from students, which would be considered for follow-up actions to improve the quality of teaching at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. The planned improvements discussed included aspects of teaching, lecturer administration, and the enhancement of facilities and infrastructure.
In addition to the evaluation, the workshop also covered preparations for the upcoming semester, including the development of Semester Learning Plans (RPKS) and Course Outlines (SAP) by the lecturers. This discussion also involved a meeting to propose course instructors and determine the teaching teams from each study program (Prodi). Each Prodi also presented their preparations to ensure the smooth delivery of the courses.
This workshop is an important step in ensuring the continuous improvement of education quality at the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. The event also supports the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 on Quality Education, with a focus on enhancing inclusive and equitable teaching and learning, as well as SDG 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, through the improvement of facilities and infrastructure that support the teaching and learning process.
SDGs 4 and 9.