

Kesempatan Studi Lanjut di Faculty of Science, Universiteit Leiden

Fakultas Biologi dan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerja sama dengan Universiteit Leiden membuka kesempatan bagi Mahasiswa atau Alumni Fakultas Biologi dan Fakultas Farmasi UGM untuk menempuh studi lanjut (Postgraduate Program) di Faculty of Science, Universiteit Leiden.

Wawancara calon mahasiswa untuk program tersebut akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 dan 4 November 2016 oleh delegasi dari Faculty of Science Universiteit Leiden di Fakultas Biologi UGM.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka bagi yang berminat dapat mengisi form pada link berikut: Pengisian form dapat dilakukan sampai tanggal 31 Oktober 2016. read more

Call for the 2016 Summer Course on Translating Jamu, Indonesian Herbal Medicine: From Ancient Knowledge to Evidence Based Medicine


The 2016 Summer Course program is the extension of the university’s mission of promoting research, teaching and social engagement by hosting high-level, research-oriented, interdisciplinary and innovative academic courses for professional development, particularly in the health sciences. The short, intensive course, coached by a team of distinguished international faculty members together with experts from faculty partners overseas is organized to invite graduate students, and undergraduate students from UGM university partners to join the course. read more