Prof. Dr. Ratna Asmah Susidarti, M.S., Apt.
Head of the Department :Administrative Staff : Herlina Ambarwati
The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry is an executive academic element of the Faculty of Pharmacy which conducts education and teaching, research, and community service as well as develops the sciences that deal with pharmaceutical chemistry. This department consists of three main scientific fields laboratories.
1. Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry
Head of the Laboratory : Prof. Dr. Ritmaleni, S.Si.
The Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory manages the education, teaching, research, and community service as well as develops the sciences concerning with medicinal chemistry, pharmacochemistry, organic chemistry, synthetic chemistry and computational chemistry. This laboratory also coordinates the following sections:
- Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
- Laboratory of Computational Chemistry
The types of service in these laboratories include teaching, bachelor’s thesis research, thesis research, and dissertation research.
Laboratory Members
– Prof. Dr. Ratna Asmah Susidarti, M.S., Apt.
– Prof. Dr. Ritmaleni, S.Si.
– Dr. Hilda Ismail, M.S., Apt.
– Dr. Hari Purnomo, M.S., Apt.
– Dr. B.S. Ari Sudarmanto, M.Si.
– Dr. Navista Sri Octa Pujiantari, M.Sc.
– Dr. Rohmad Yudi Utomo, M.Sc., Apt.
– Dr. Cintya Nurul Apsari, S.Tp., M.Si.
– Dr. Artania Adnin Tri Suma, S.Si.
Laboratory Assistants:
– Foruk Rahma Hadta, A.Md. Farm.
2. Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
Head of the Laboratory : Agustina Ari Murti Budi Hastuti, S.Farm., M.Sc.
The Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory performs education, teaching, research, and community service as well as develops the sciences dealing with analytical chemistry for drugs, cosmetics and foods, as well as analysis using instruments such as spectroscopy and chromatography methods. This laboratory also coordinates the following sections:
- Laboratory of Basic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry I and II
- Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for Drugs, Food, and Cosmetics
- Laboratory Chromatography
The types of service in these laboratories include teaching, bachelor’s thesis research, thesis research, dissertation research, antioxidant test, and vitamin analysis.
Laboratory Members
– Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Endang Lukitaningsih, M.Si.,Apt.
– Prof. Dr. Abdul Rohman, MSi., Apt.
– Dr. rer.nat. Tatang Irianti, M.Sc., Apt.
– Dr. Eka Noviana, MS., Apt.
– Dr. Agustina Ari Murti Budi Hastuti, S.Farm., M.Sc.
– Dr. apt. Siti Nurul Hidayah, S.Farm., M.Sc.
– apt. Halida Rahmania,M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D.
– Ratna Budhi Pebriana, M.Sc., Apt.
Laboratory Assistants:
– Devi Afrianto Nugroho, S.Tp
– Is Suranto, S.Tp
– Siti Mufidatul Khasanah, A.Md.
– Tri Sariyono, S.Tp.
3. Laboratory of Macromolecular Engineering
Head of the Laboratory: Prof. Dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Si., Apt.
The Macromolecular Engineering Laboratory manages the education, teaching, research, and community service as well as develops the sciences concerning the discovery and engineering of macromolecular drugs, the discovery of target molecules (receptors) for therapy, and the development of vaccines and antibodies. This laboratory also coordinates the following sections:
- Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Immunology
The types of service in these laboratories include teaching, bachelor’s thesis research, thesis research, and dissertation research.
– Prof. Dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Si., Apt.
– Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Adam Hermawan, M.Sc., Apt.
– Dr. Rumiyati, M.Si., Apt.
– Dr. Riris Istighfari Jenie, M.Si., Apt.
– Dr. Muthi’ Ikawati, M.Sc., Apt.
– M. Novrizal Abdi Sahid, M.Eng.,Ph.D., Apt.
– apt. Setyowati Triastuti Utami, S.Farm., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Laboratory Assistants:
– Fuad Amiruddin, A.Md.
– Indri Widiastuti, A.Md.
– Heri Himawan Prasetio, A.Md.