Faculty is a part of the executive element of the university’s main duties and led by a Dean who is directly responsible to the Rector. Faculty is in charge of implementing the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Principles of Higher Education): education and teaching, research, and community service, in addition to performing guidance for the academic communities and administrative service activities.
In carrying out his everyday tasks, a Dean is assisted by three Vice Deans including Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Vice Dean for General Administration, and Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, Research and Cooperation. Similarly, in performing his technical tasks, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs is assisted by an assistant for the Education Affairs and an assistant for the Library Affairs. The Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, Research and Cooperation is also assisted by an assistant for the Student Affairs & Alumni and an assistant for the Research & Cooperation.
The implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi is done within Divisions as the executive element of the Faculty and Laboratories as a supporting facility of the Department. Each Department is chaired by a Department Head who is directly responsible to the Dean. In conducting their daily tasks, the Department Heads are assisted by a Secretary. At present, the Supporting Department in each Department are as follows:
1. Department that serve as the academic executives
Department here are faculty’s executive element in a part of or a branch of science. The Department consist of groups of teaching staffs, technicians, administration staffs, and laboratory staffs. A department is led by a chairman and a secretary. At the Faculty of Pharmacy, there are 4 Department as follows:
1. Department of Pharmaceutical Biology
2. Department of Pharmaceutics
3. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
4. Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy
2. Divisions that serve as the administration
The administration division is led by the head of the division and has 2 sections, namely:
1. Division of Academics and Student Affairs
2. Division of Public Administration
Units/bodies are particular administrative task units which are developed at the faculty
At the moment, Faculty of Pharmacy has several units to support the learning process of the students, as well as the staff and scientific development, namely:
1. Library
2. Research and Development
3. Community Services
Units/bodies are in charge of the following main tasks:
Library: managing and developing the Faculty library as a lecturers’ and students’ learning resource.
Research and Development: managing the development and research activities conducted by academic communities of Faculty of Pharmacy.
Community Services: managing and developing the materials for the purpose of community service performed by lecturers and students, as well as cooperation for the purpose of community service with other parties.
The Faculty Senate is the faculty’s highest normative body whose members ranging from all of academic staffs holding the Guru Besar (corresponding to Professor) title, to the Dean, Vice Deans, Head of Department and Members representing the Division members whose number is 1 per 10 members. Head of the Faculty Senate is selected among all members of the Senate.